Wednesday 10 April 2013


In the whole life an average person is always think that why he came in this world. What is the purpose of his birth? Is there nay invisible force that controls the whole activity of universe? If yes then how? These are the questions that always make a person wonder including me to find out the answers. Some people are succeeded and they are able to satisfy their conscience but many of us cannot able to find out the appropriate clues about their existence in the world a waste our whole life in the struggle of this. In this struggle he take the support of religion. Religion is the main factor that gives satisfaction and meaningful explanation of any supernatural phenomena. For example when your loved one died you would be very sad and stressed for sometime but after some period you got realized that it is the mater of God’s intention and you cannot do any thing and everybody has to leave this one day sooner or later. Religion provides reasons for dying otherwise a man live always sad after the death of his dear. The next most important factor which reveals many secrets about the nature is science. Science is knowledge of getting about the surroundings through observation and observation can be done by the help of five senses.  Thus the concluding remarks about life are that life is combination of emotions, ideas, thoughts, feelings, expressions and behaviors. All these things experienced at their right time and by facing difficulties a person can know about him and about nature and try to over some his pains by utilizing the available natural resources. 

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